Portrait photography for women is more just a portrait

I was always fascinated with the process of aging and the effects it has on the life of a woman. Being a portrait photographer and specializing on women’s portraiture, I’ve got to know a lot of women from all walks of life, of all ages. For years, I’ve observed and listen to the stories of women in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s. Having a background education in psychology and neuroscience, it was very natural for me the eagerness not just to create gorgeous portraits for these women, but to establish a connection and to get to know them. More over, I realized that what I offer to them is a form of psychotherapy that they are all looking for.

Why women want to be photographed

Yes we all would like to feel and look beautiful. That’s why booking a photography session is a great tool to accomplish this.

Interestingly enough, the age usually defines a main reason for doing a photo shoot. Of course we’re all unique and there are always exceptions to any rule. However, I discovered that there is  a trend, and this trend is very obvious in each age category. And it’s not just because of age, but because the life stages that happen within every age category, which is established and defined by societal norms. I’ll explain.

Women in their 20s main goal is to do it just for him. It’s a flirt, it’s a play, it’s teasing. She’s completely absorb in him. He’s newness, he’s exciting, he’s someone that she’s imaging a happy future together. Thus, she comes to my studio to do Boudoir photo shoot to create an album of beautiful, sensual, playful, sexy photos of her. She’s gifting this to him as a Wedding gift, or a birthday gift. She’s gifting him herself to desire and admire. She make’s him his own PLAYBOOK of her. It’s all about him.

Women in their 30s are all over the place. It’s a mix of searching for a boyfriend/husband, establishing carrier, searching for the meaning of life, and trying to find herself. For those who are married it’s usually a total dive into motherhood and “disappearing” from the social life of “non-children friends”. There are million new things that need attention, and need to be dealt with. Thus, it’s a time of uncertainty and establishing new structures. I don’t see a lot of this category. And the ones that come have a unbalanced transition feel.

Huge transformation happens in the 40s group of women. It’s probably the greatest group in terms of all what is happening here. The greatest search for help also happens here. It’s a transition stage. Usually two categories of women are in here. The first one, she’s been married for a long time. She is totally into her family, being a mother and a wife. Because of her devotion to her children and a husband, she lost the goddess within. Everything is for them, and not much is left for her. She is often tired. She forgets about herself. Because of that the intimacy is lost. Thus, the photo shoot experience is a wake-up call. She wants to feel beautiful and desired in his eyes again. She is trying to boost their intimacy with a bit of sexiness. She is trying. For him. As a necessity.

The other group of women are recently divorced, or in the process of. She is lost. She is unsure. She has a very low self esteem in terms of her beauty and sensuality. But she is also the one on the way of her own empowerment. She is the one who is searching for help. And consequently, she is the one who will finally rediscover her beauty and sexuality, reestablish her femininity, and become super powerful in her own self. She is in charge now. She can and will do what ever her heart desires. A new stage of life opens for her with unlimited possibilities. This women usually come to my studio at their most difficult times. And after they are transformed (for some it takes moths, for some years) they come again to celebrate “the new me.” For me being a part of this process is challenging, but extremely satisfying.

In their 50s the sense of self is established and accepted. The children are gone to live their own lives. She is either reestablish her relationship with her husband, or have someone new in her life who is totally satisfying her current way of life, or enjoying her own company and exploring all that life has to offer. She is not in the rush. She chooses what and who makes her feel good. Otherwise, it’s not worth her time. She is her own person in all ways of life. She’s confident, independent, powerful. She has a strong identity. She accepted herself and like who she is. According statistics, this group of women are the high end spenders. The women here are financially established. They are the biggest group to spend on luxury items. They can afford expensive cars, vacations, wardrobe, experiences and anything else they desire (before it was men’s prerogative).

I’m still in the process of “discovering” women after 60. They are the quite group in general. But the ones that come to my studio have a huge impact on my perception of age. I had a pleasure to know quite a few in their late 60s, 70s, 90s. They come with such powerful energy that I often say “I don’t even need to turn on the light. The light is here.” They are taking life and adopting it to their desires. With their inner force of all the life experiences and the character they shine and inspire others.

There is a shift of age perception of women after 50 happening now. Due to advances in medicine, changes in societal norms, women’s own progression of self, the new group is coming out. Instead of settling, women starting new life, or enhancing the one they choose and love. They are developing and expanding. They are exploring and transforming. They are becoming vibrant and alive. Not just quietly in their own homes, but proudly and all open. Thus others can learn and be inspired.

 The exception to the rule

Of course the “rules” are generalized statements. There are exceptions that I observe. There are couples who are together for years and still keep that freshness of intimacy, constantly rejuvenating and expanding their experiences together. They adore and support each other. They usually involved in the photo shoot together, with a man being support and admire, or even an initiator of the shoot. Or if he’s not physically present, I can feel his presence from her joyous sensuality of the experience. He wants her to have a great time. She is doing it for herself, and for him. Because nothing excites him more than her enjoying herself.

Why women should be photographed often

Feeling beautiful is the key. But what do I mean by beauty? For me, it’s the wholeness of who you are. It’s the way you feel the most alive. It’s your power and peace. It’s an inside and the out. The balance and ultimate connection of your state of mind and physical appearance. It’s the best of you expressed in mind and body.

The photography experience is an acceptance process. Since everyone is critical of their own appearance, seeing your own body as something very beautiful takes effort. We usually need help doing it. When you come to me to be photographed I see you a painter looking at nature, or as a sculpture looking at marble to be exposed to become beautiful sculpture. I can show you a perspective of you that is not know by you, or the one that needs confirmation. I can point out your features, lines, and curves. And teach you to love them.